With all our troubles, with all our shame, with all our doubts and worries, with all our anger, with all our pain, we need to look at the cross. To see and remember the greatest Love that Christ has given to us!! Forgiveness, a second chance to live for Him, for His glory!! A new life style change. He loves each and every one of us sooooooo much to suffer a greater pain that we don't understand of how much pain and suffering He went through just to save us from eternal torture of hell. We all are important, needed, and worthy. And here's one amazing thing to know, that even though we don't deserve to be loved by a great King because of our sins, He still loves us with His grace of forgiveness. But that doesn't mean keep on sinning. It means, are you willing to live a new life with Him? To walk with Him everyday? To serve Him for His glory? To love Him?
©Alysia Maria
2016/All Rights Reserved